Intermediate ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #520
Which machine learning algorithm builds models in a tree-like structure?
Which animation software is known for its flexibility and is widely used by professionals and hobbyists alike?
What is "depth testing" in computer graphics?
Which type of network topology involves each device being connected to a central hub or switch?
What type of data validation ensures that a field contains only integer values?
What is a "foreign key" used for in a DBMS?
What is the main goal of content marketing in digital marketing?
What is "Fulfillment" in the context of E-Commerce?
In IoT, what is the purpose of a "smart" device?
Which operator is used to compare equality in JavaScript, taking into account type and value?
Which Boolean law can be used to simplify the expression A * (A + B) = A?
What does "malware" stand for in the context of mobile security?
Which tool would you use to create interactive multimedia presentations?
What is the main benefit of using a project management methodology?
What ethical consideration is important when using XML in data management?
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- Enhance your ICT skills with our "Intermediate ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #520". This quiz is tailored for intermediate level learners and consists of 15 random multiple choice questions. Each question is based on various lessons from the intermediate ICT category, designed to test and expand your knowledge. Ideal for students and professionals seeking to advance their ICT proficiency.