ICT General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #13
How do you convert a hexadecimal number to an octal number?
How many cells does a Karnaugh Map have for three input variables?
Which of the following is a popular microcontroller platform used in IoT projects?
Which cryptocurrency is considered the first and most well-known?
What is a significant difference between a hard disk drive (HDD) and a solid-state drive (SSD)?
What is a major advantage of video conferencing?
Which of the following is a characteristic of batch processing?
What is the process of booting a computer?
What is a Slide Pane used for in presentation software?
What is the typical rotational speed of modern hard disks, affecting their read/write performance?
What is the key difference between a CLI (Command-Line Interface) and a GUI (Graphical User Interface)?
What is a typical side effect of electronic waste on soil?
What is an example of a common game development platform used for console game development?
Which of the following is a common method for reducing email spam?
In which computing model is resource management typically handled by cloud service providers, freeing users from infrastructure concerns?
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- Expand your understanding of ICT with our "ICT General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #13". This quiz features 15 random multiple choice questions covering a broad range of ICT general knowledge topics. Perfect for students, professionals, and enthusiasts looking to test and broaden their knowledge in the field of Information and Communication Technology.