Advanced ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #84
Which of the following AI systems can adapt to changes in the environment through feedback?
What is the purpose of hidden layers in a neural network?
What is a potential career path for someone specializing in bioinformatics?
How does ISO/IEC 19794 support interoperability in biometric systems?
What does a p-value represent in hypothesis testing?
Which graph representation uses an array of lists to represent edges?
How does DRM affect the overall user experience with digital media?
What is the primary function of "game AI"?
In astronomy, what is the role of image processing for detecting exoplanets?
What is "feature engineering" in the context of machine learning?
In finance, how can NLP assist with regulatory compliance?
Which technique is commonly used for ensuring mutual exclusion in parallel computing systems?
Which practice is recommended for maintaining high software quality?
What is a legal concern related to software testing?
Which method is commonly used for gathering user feedback during the design process?
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- Challenge your ICT expertise with our "Advanced ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #84". This advanced level quiz features 15 random multiple choice questions derived from various lessons in the advanced ICT category. Designed for those with a strong foundational knowledge, this quiz will test and refine your understanding of complex ICT concepts. Perfect for advanced students and professionals aiming to master their ICT skills.