Advanced ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #509
In an artificial neural network, what is "weight initialization" used for?
Which technique is commonly used for visualizing protein structures in 3D?
Which of the following is a challenge associated with Fully Homomorphic Encryption?
What does PCI DSS stand for and what is its purpose?
What is one way data science can enhance patient care in healthcare settings?
What is the purpose of garbage collection in memory management?
Which technology enhances mobile edge computing by providing localized data processing at the network edge?
What is the main purpose of system hacking in ethical hacking?
What is the purpose of wavelet transform in image processing?
What is the result of using JSON.parse() on an invalid JSON string?
What is the main purpose of incident management in network security?
Which parallel computing concept involves processors executing the same instruction on multiple pieces of data simultaneously?
What is a primary benefit of using Semantic Web technologies in digital libraries?
Which type of testing involves knowledge of the internal code and structure?
Which UX design method involves testing different versions of a design to determine which performs better?
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- Challenge your ICT expertise with our "Advanced ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #509". This advanced level quiz features 15 random multiple choice questions derived from various lessons in the advanced ICT category. Designed for those with a strong foundational knowledge, this quiz will test and refine your understanding of complex ICT concepts. Perfect for advanced students and professionals aiming to master their ICT skills.