Advanced ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #405
How can AI improve robotics in agricultural applications?
How does biometric forensics contribute to criminal investigations?
What is the main objective of social engineering in the context of ethical hacking?
What is a significant advantage of using blockchain technology in cybersecurity?
How does IT governance support compliance with regulatory requirements in big data?
What is a common error when dealing with large JSON data sets in applications?
What is the main objective of "part-of-speech tagging" in NLP?
What is a "vulnerability assessment" in network security?
What challenge might arise from using parallel computing in conjunction with edge computing?
What is a potential benefit of quantum computing for cybersecurity?
Which of the following is considered a best practice for responsive web design?
What is the purpose of the controller in a robotic system?
In the Semantic Web, what is a key advantage of using linked data principles?
Which metric is commonly used to evaluate the effectiveness of test coverage?
What is the significance of "usability heuristics" in UX design?
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- Challenge your ICT expertise with our "Advanced ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #405". This advanced level quiz features 15 random multiple choice questions derived from various lessons in the advanced ICT category. Designed for those with a strong foundational knowledge, this quiz will test and refine your understanding of complex ICT concepts. Perfect for advanced students and professionals aiming to master their ICT skills.