Advanced ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #382
Why is big data particularly important for deep learning models?
In bioinformatics, what does the term "metabolomics" refer to?
How does blockchain technology impact the management of digital identities?
How does cryptography support data privacy in forensic investigations?
What is a common application of data mining in marketing?
How does predictive analytics benefit businesses in decision-making?
What data structure is utilized in operating systems for managing memory allocation and deallocation?
How does DSP enhance environmental monitoring in smart grids?
Which emerging technology is expected to enhance virtual reality (VR) experiences in the future?
What challenge does IT governance face in global markets?
How do IoT-enabled mobile apps typically interact with devices?
What legal issue often arises when deploying NLP applications across different countries?
Which of the following is a core standard of the Semantic Web?
Which metric is commonly used to measure the maintainability of software?
What does "information architecture" involve in UX design?
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- Challenge your ICT expertise with our "Advanced ICT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz #382". This advanced level quiz features 15 random multiple choice questions derived from various lessons in the advanced ICT category. Designed for those with a strong foundational knowledge, this quiz will test and refine your understanding of complex ICT concepts. Perfect for advanced students and professionals aiming to master their ICT skills.